Since our foundation in 2009, with our vision of “BETTER SYSTEMS, BETTER WORLD,” we have been promoting the realization of a better world by bringing the internet into traditional industries that have yet to be digitized and by transforming the industry structures of multiple industries. We currently offer multiple BtoB platforms such as Raksul (printing and promotion), Hacobell (logistics), Novasell (advertising) and Josys (corporate IT).
Huge market and potential for business expansion through digitization
Our business areas have two things in common. First, despite the huge market, transactions and operations still rely on individuals and the supply structures are fragmented, leaving a significant potential for expansion through the introduction of e-commerce and software. Second, they are all related to corporate administrative and selling expenses, in other words, it is a domain related to transaction and operational costs.
To minimize these transaction and operational costs, we have been transforming BtoB procurement/sales order systems by providing a platform that integrates services such as a marketplace for matching supply and demand, operation management software, and associated BPO services to revolutionize BtoB procurement, sales order and operational structures.
Meanwhile, the SG&A expenses of TSE-listed companies are approximately 140 trillion yen and we see this as a market opportunity where a large and yet still inefficient sales order structure remains. In the coming future, we will strengthen our software offerings, and in the long term, we will also look at global opportunities and continue expanding our platform in this huge market, both in Japan and the global market.
Quality Growth
Since our IPO, our financial goal has been to maximize gross profit, which is the sum of the trust placed in us and the value we add to our customers and suppliers, and we have been able to achieve growth through reinvestments.
We have also established a structure that enables us to generate profit while maintaining a good balance by controlling costs, and from 2022, we have shifted to a growth mode (Quality Growth) with profit and cash flow. We will continue to pursue creation and expansion of profits through the realization of Quality Growth.
ESG initiatives and investment in “people” who create value
It is “people” who design and implement platforms and engage users, and we believe that our greatest asset is our existing employees. In order to improve their capabilities and motivation, we not only focus on competitive compensation schemes and investment in training and development but also emphasize the diversity of our employees. We aim to build an organization where teams can be invigorated not only by the members’ attributes and characteristics but also by their different ways of thinking and values. In addition to compensations and systems, we will continue to create and expand innovation and improve productivity by fostering organizational culture.
In order to achieve sustainable growth as a company, ESG initiatives are also vital. Our vision, “BETTER SYSTEMS, BETTER WORLD,” is our company’s purpose that encompasses making society a better place. We believe that our business activities based on our vision will contribute to realizing a sustainable society. Please click here to see our group’s approach to sustainability.
In April 2022, we moved to the prime market in the new market classification. We are deeply grateful to our shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders who have supported us, and we will continue to strive for fair and timely information disclosure and place great importance on dialogue.
Together with our stakeholders, who are our partners in enhancing our corporate value, we are in the same boat, and together we will strive to transform the social structure and increase our corporate value. We look forward to your continued support.
Representative Director, President & Group CEO
Yo Nagami
Representative Director, President & Group CEO
Yo Nagami